Installing DWM

Make sure you have a user already

Install Xorg

Install git

Install a browser

Create a config directory

Install DWM

Installing a Display Manager (DM)

Enable lightdm service

Adding an entry for DWM in the DM

Open this file:

Add the following:

Basic Commands

  • Moving between windows: [Alt]+[j] or [Alt]+[k]
  • To move a terminal to another tag: [Shift]+[Alt]+[<TAG_NUMBER>]
  • To focus on another tag: [Alt]+[tag number]
  • To change the amount of windows in the master area: [Alt]+[d] (Decrease) or [Alt]+[i] (Increase)
  • To toggle a window between the master and stack area: [Alt]+[Return]
  • To kill a window: [Shift]+[Alt]+[c]
  • Click another tag with the right mouse button to bring those windows into your current focus.


( Note ) By default dwm is in tiled layout mode.

  • Tiled: [Alt]+[t]
  • Floating: [Alt]+[f]
  • Monocle: [Alt]+[m]

Further layout modes can be included through patches.


To resize the floating window: [Alt]+[right mouse button]

To move it around [Alt]+[left mouse button]

Floating in Tiled Layout

  • Toggle floating mode on the active window: [Alt]+[Shift]+[space]
  • Resize the window: [Alt]+[right mouse button]
  • toggle it in being floating [Alt]+[middle mouse button]

If you want to set some type of window to be always floating, look at the config.def.h and the rules array, where the last but one element defines this behaviour.


To quit dwm cleanly: [Shift]+[Alt]+[q]


By default dwm is showing dwm-X.X in its statusbar. This text can be changed by setting the WM_NAME property of the root window.

Using the tools of, this can be set using:

Tagged in linuxdwm